Update to our current COVID policy…even if you have had your 2 vaccine shots, you are still a potential carrier of COVID. Thus you can pass the virus to another person per the CDC guidelines. While you may not have to quarantine, we ask that you apply the same due diligence and advise the club immediately if you have been in contact with fellow members. All other procedures below remain the same including you must submit a negative test (even if you have been vaccinated) prior to participating in any TPMGC event.

Any TPMGC member who either has tested positive for COVID-19, or believes they have come in contact with someone who has COVID-19, must follow this procedure:

  • If you test positive and have recently played in a club tournament, you must notify the club immediately; contact Larry Prosi  You must identify and notify anyone you may have come in contact with. The Club will assist in this process
  • If you test positive you must follow the most current SD County Health Dept. Health Orders:  
  • If you believe you have come in contact with someone that has COVID-19, you must follow the SD County Health Orders and advise the club immediately if you recently played in a club tournament.
  • Whether you either have had a positive test, or have come in contact with someone that has, you then are ineligible to play in any club event until you have submitted a negative test result to the club.
  • If you are signed up for an event, you will be removed upon your notification to the club. To avoid being penalized under the club’s late cancellation or no-show club policy, you must present a negative test to be eligible to play  

It is every member’s responsibility to report exposure and/or positive test results if they have been in proximity with other club members. Failure to comply may subject the member to potential disciplinary action under our Code of Conduct 

Questions, let us know…Your TPMGC Board
