
This is a TPMGC major tournament which means major entry criteria will apply. No exceptions

  1. You must be a member for 1 year as of the date of the tournament.
  2. You must have played in a minimum of 3 TPMGC tournaments in the last year as of the date of the tournament.

Two round medal play on August 17 & 18. Both days on North.  Low 16 scores for the two days in each flight make the cut and will play on SUNDAY, August 25th on South.   You must be able to play all 3 days to sign up.  The Club Champion represents TPMGC in SCGA’s Tournament of Club Champions.

  • Current index.
  • Championship flight will play at gross.  Players with an index  of 2.0 and below will be in the championship flight.  Players with an index below 5.0 have the option to play in the Championship flight.
  • You can only sign up as a single.  Pairing requests will not be accepted.  You will be paired by index for the first 2 days on North.
  • Pairings for the 3rd day on South will be based on 1st & 2nd round results with the leaders going off last within the tee time block for the flight.
  • Flights will go off in blocks.  Approx times for each block TBD.
  • In the event of a tie after 54 holes, the Championship flight will have a sudden death playoff starting on #1 South.  The playoff winners for the net flights will be determined by net score for the 18 holes on the final day.  If there is still a tie, then we will use last nine on the final day, then last 6, then last 3.
  • All net flight winners will play in a playoff to determine the TPMGC Net Champion.  The playoff will be held concurrently with the Sunday, October 13 or 20 tournament.  The playoff participants will be paired together for that tournament.
  • Tee Assignments
    • Championship  – Brown(North), Brown(South)
    • 1st Flight – Green, Green
    • 2nd Flight – Green, Green/White Combo
    • 3rd Flight – White, White


Championship Flight
Pos. Player Total To Par Gross R1 R2 R3 Total Gross Award
1 Neal – Nik -9 67 68 72 207 $292 Low Gross
2 Lutton – Tommy -1 69 70 76 215 $234
3 Regan – Matthew 6 71 74 77 222 $199
4 Dubois – Adam 7 75 76 72 223 $177
5 Howard – Jason 9 76 73 76 225 $158
6 Roesink – Matthew 10 78 71 77 226 $135
7 Coate – Kyle 11 74 74 79 227 $129
8 Garcia – Michael 12 75 75 78 228 $119
9 Ekhaus – Daniel 13 71 80 78 229 $107
10 Salmon – Peter 13 77 72 80 229 $97
11 Miller – Warren 14 73 74 83 230 $89
12 Hendrey – Daniel 14 75 72 83 230 $80
13 Arthur – George 15 78 73 80 231 $71
14 Griffiths – Mark 18 74 77 83 234 $61
15 Albitz – Paul 20 79 74 83 236 $53
16 Aasen – Bryan 21 80 72 85 237 $46
CUT Glasser-Weinstein – Adam 76 77 153
CUT Peters – Derek 74 79 153
CUT Scharf – Jared 75 79 154
CUT Bennett – Mike 74 80 154
CUT Rohan – Patrick 74 81 155
CUT Makley – Brett 78 80 158
CUT McNally – Mike 84 75 159
CUT Chipp – Michael 78 83 161
CUT Mcneil – Caleb 90 83 173
WD Avarello – Tony 78 WD WD
Flight 1
Pos. Player Total To Par Net R1 R2 R3 Total Net Award
1 Thomas – Jeff -4 68 71 73 212 $267
2 Hoffman – John -2 68 72 74 214 $259 Low Gross
3 Lee – Stephen 3 72 70 77 219 $199
4 Ogle – Jamie 5 73 75 73 221 $177
5 Hoglen – Niel 6 74 72 76 222 $158
6 Sanders – Ryan 7 72 72 79 223 $135
7 Eller – Craig 7 70 75 78 223 $129
8 Jefferson – Lance 8 72 70 82 224 $119
9 Tucker – Sean 9 73 74 78 225 $107
10 Gendron – David 9 72 76 77 225 $97
11 Cardoza – John 9 73 73 79 225 $89
12 Shandle – Scott 10 76 71 79 226 $80
13 Vigeland – Morten 10 68 75 83 226 $71
14 Wyckoff – Tom 10 70 73 83 226 $61
15 Mucci – Adam 12 73 74 81 228 $53
16 Moharram – Ramy 13 69 76 84 229 $46
CUT Williamson – David 72 76 148
CUT Dickson – John 75 74 149
CUT Krishna – Anantha 77 73 150
CUT Elliott – Rick 76 74 150
CUT Malone – Keola 77 74 151
CUT Nandipati – Krishnarao 76 76 152
CUT Wlodkowski – Pete 77 75 152
CUT Ford – Derrick 77 75 152
CUT Richardson – Bill 71 81 152
CUT Smith – Michael 78 75 153
CUT Striebel – Chris 78 76 154
CUT Couillard – Marc 80 75 155
CUT Donnelly – John 80 75 155
CUT Hunter – John 80 75 155
CUT Burchill – Roy 78 77 155
CUT Soriano – Stephen 76 79 155
CUT Smith – Thomas 81 75 156
CUT Shah – Saurabh 78 78 156
CUT Remington – Michael 80 77 157
CUT Valenzuela – Tj 78 80 158
Flight 2
Pos. Player Total To Par Net R1 R2 R3 Total Net Award
1 Baek – Daniel -9 66 70 71 207 $267
2 Admire – Duane -8 67 70 71 208 $259 Low Gross
3 Zucchet – Michael -2 71 73 70 214 $199
4 Haas – Kyle -1 66 73 76 215 $177
5 Gust – Randy -1 68 71 76 215 $158
6 Nou – Tim 2 72 69 77 218 $135
7 Kussman – Craig 6 69 71 82 222 $129
8 Allen – Dan 7 72 73 78 223 $119
9 Sodergren – Roger 7 74 72 77 223 $107
10 Ater – William 8 68 74 82 224 $97
11 Arkills – Camrun 12 73 74 81 228 $89
12 Thompson – Charles 13 69 80 80 229 $80
13 Howe – Adam 14 79 71 80 230 $71
14 Rashid – Frank 16 72 76 84 232 $61
15 Sharma – Ganga 18 74 74 86 234 $53
16 Priselac – Brian 18 70 77 87 234 $46
CUT Riesenberg – John 72 78 150
CUT Connolly – Tom 77 73 150
CUT Zemanek – Ken 78 72 150
CUT Palkowitz – Art 77 74 151
CUT Locke – Flint 76 75 151
CUT Le – Nguyen 76 76 152
CUT Way – Dan 73 79 152
CUT Landrum – Jared 71 81 152
CUT Miller – Scott Alan 82 71 153
CUT Bevilacqua – Thomas 74 79 153
CUT Carroll – Jeff 74 80 154
CUT Ogden – Matt 70 84 154
CUT Malone – Kahana 78 77 155
CUT Case – Joseph 78 77 155
CUT Sardo – Jim 74 81 155
CUT Lee – Lamberto 81 75 156
CUT Tellez – Andrew 78 78 156
CUT Millard – Brian 74 82 156
CUT Lipschitz – Ryan 82 77 159
CUT Kott – Timothy 72 88 160
CUT Suarez – Kevin 81 83 164
CUT Otillio – Troy 88 84 172
WD Sivaswamy – Senthil 74 WD WD
Flight 3
Pos. Player Total To Par Net R1 R2 R3 Total Net Award
1 Kerr – James -5 67 73 71 211 $267
2 Cincotta – Brian -3 74 70 69 213 $259 Low Gross
3 Craig – Russell 3 71 75 73 219 $199
4 Lemberg – Allen 5 76 69 76 221 $177
5 Kean – Craig 6 69 75 78 222 $158
6 Choi – Sinhong 6 70 71 81 222 $135
7 Field – Jesse 8 71 72 81 224 $129
8 Demner – Ross 8 77 71 76 224 $119
9 Desantis – Anthony 8 73 73 78 224 $107
10 Brenner – Samuel 13 70 74 85 229 $97
11 Kweon – Soonwook 14 70 75 85 230 $89
12 Elnick – Alan 15 73 69 89 231 $80
13 Farley – Thomas 16 72 68 92 232 $71
14 Moulton – Greg 16 71 73 88 232 $61
15 Chong – Kelly 19 78 69 88 235 $53
16 Merryman – Charles 20 69 78 89 236 $46
CUT Levas – Tony 72 76 148
CUT Aulick – Marshall 71 77 148
CUT Goldberg – Bruce 73 75 148
CUT Kaufman – Dan 72 78 150
CUT Gutman – Simeon 76 75 151
CUT Tsow – Dave 75 76 151
CUT Green – Richard 77 74 151
CUT Redding – Chip 80 72 152
CUT Case – Gary 78 75 153
CUT Ryan – Joe 77 77 154
CUT Pelayo – Jorge 78 76 154
CUT Greif – Jon 79 76 155
CUT Dowd – John 75 80 155
CUT Rollans – Rick 75 80 155
CUT Boles – Darin 75 81 156
CUT Sims – J Keith 75 82 157
CUT Wong – Edward 76 82 158
CUT Brubaker – Wayne 81 78 159
CUT Terrell – Charles 78 83 161
CUT Kasun – Greg 76 86 162
CUT Hughes – Austin 83 91 174
DQ Ertz – Connor 72 DQ DQ
WD Homa – Robert 77 NS WD
DNF Tindaro – James DNF NS DNF
NS Calabria – Don NS NS NS
NS Cade – Lawrence NS NS NS
Saturday 8-17 Proximity
Hole Tee Name GHIN Distance Prize $
#3 Brown Neal – Nik 18’3″ $25
#3 Green Way – Dan 6’2″ $60
#3 White Redding – Chip 4’6″ $35
#8 Brown Neal – Nik 2’3″ $25
#8 Green Le – Nguyen 14’1″ $60
#8 White Elnick – Alan 8’6″ $35
#12 Brown Hendrey – Daniel 8’8″ $25
#12 Green Williamson – David 7’1″ $60
#12 White Dowd – John 4’4″ $35
#15 Brown Chipp – Michael 4’5″ $25
#15 Green Krishna – Anantha 4’6″ $60
#15 White Chong – Kelly 5’8″ $35
Sunday 8-18 Proximity
Hole Tee Name GHIN Distance Prize $
#3 Brown Hendrey – Daniel 4’1″ $25
#3 Green Jefferson – Lance 9’6″ $60
#3 White Kaufman – Dan 5’6″ $35
#8 Brown Chipp – Michael 12’5″ $25
#8 Green Krishna – Anantha 6’0″ $60
#8 White Elnick – Alan 2’4″ $35
#12 Brown Aasen – Bryan 11’9″ $25
#12 Green Sodergren – Roger 6’9″ $60
#12 White Tsow – Dave 3’3″ $35
#15 Brown Chipp – Michael 6’2″ $25
#15 Green Smith – Thomas 2’5″ $60
#15 White Kweon – Soonwook 11″7″ $35