
FIELD SIZE: 108 Players (4 flights)

TEE TIMES: starting at 7:36 at 9 min intervals (last tee time 11:39)

GREEN FEES:  Retired Military (ID Required) $29 / Veteran and DOD (ID Required) $35 / Civilians without a Military ID $42

CART FEE: (shared): $18  (carts not mandatory)

RANGE BALLS: $4 (pay for ball machine code during check-in)

TEES: Blue (Flight 1)  White (Flights 2/3)  Gold (Flight 4)

AWARDS: Low net (40% payout)  / Low Gross $25 (per flight) / CTP on par 3’s $20 and $25

How to Get to Camp Pendleton Golf Course:  Google directions to “Camp Pendleton Marine Memorial Golf Course“.  Take Vandegrift Blvd north to Pendleton’s back gate (do not use main gate).  Directions are similar to how to get to Arrowood Golf Course but instead of taking Douglas east to Arrowood go north on Vandegrift.  When you enter base follow signs to golf course by turning left 1 mile after entering base.  Base gate guard will have a clip board with our access list – present your driver’s license to enter base.
