Torrey Team Play
Did you know your club has 4 different team play that compete and represent your club each year?
SCGA team play runs from January through March with the playoffs finishing in April. 16 players from each club participate in each match. We play a home and away match against each team in our group. There are two singles matches and a fourball match in every foursome.
This year for the first time in many years, Torrey is participating in weekday SCGA team play against La Costa, La Valle, and El Camino. Our home course is Torrey Pines North. The team is captained by Roy Burchill and Jamie Ogle.
We had about 60 club members express interest in playing on the weekday team, some applied for both teams. We selected 22 players for 16 match slots. Handicap indexes ranged from 1-19. Filling the match roster was much more difficult on the weekday team than on the weekend team.
Our SCGA weekend team is competing for the fourth year in a row and was started by Matt Van Meeteren and Roy Burchill.. For the last two years our home course is Torrey Pines North. The other teams in the group consist of Coronado, Steele Canyon, and San Vincente. The captains are Matt and Jamie. Our weekend team won our league and advanced to the playoffs in our first year.
We had about 60 club members express interest in playing on the weekend team, some applied for both teams. We selected 24 players for 16 match slots. Handicap indexes ranged from +1-19. We had 22 players play at least one match. The other 2 players that were selected were previous team members who were injured during the season. Steve Chang had a hole in one at Steele Canyon on his first competitive swing of the day!
Interest for the 2025 SCGA teams will be sent out in early Fall. Interest for the Senior team will be sent out in the Winter in advance of the 2025 season. Captains take the interest list and select players from the list who have match play experience, are past or current club champions, and help with the spread of handicaps on the team. In SCGA team play, the maximum allowed handicap in 18.4.
The club also participates in the San Diego Senior League and our captain is Paul Lawerance. Our home course is Rancho Bernardo Inn and the season runs March through October. 6 players from each club competing in each match with high/low points awarded on every hole.
The 4th team play opportunity is the Grand Torrey Cup which is our annual mid-summer home and away match with the Grand Golf Club. Each team has 24 players. Every TPMGC member has a chance to qualify for this event during designated tournaments in the Spring and Summer Our team is captained by Roy Burchill and Marc Couillard.
Match schedule: (home course is Torrey Pines North)
2/13 – away at La Costa
2/15 – away at El Camino
2/22 – home vs. La Costa
2/29 – away at La Valle
Final record 2-3-1 in 3rd place with La Costa winning the group
Jared Scarf | Matthew Regan | John Hoffman | Dan Hendrey | George Arthur |
George Arthur | Zach Borba | Frank Rashid | Kevin Kelly | Jim Inouye |
Zephyr Hill | Ramon Corona | Colin Bennett | James Tindaro | Dennis Gjertson |
Jimmy Kerr | Stephen Lee | Jorge Pelyo-Garcia | Jeff Middlebrook | Kevin Suarez |
Match Schedule: (home course is Torrey Pines North)
2/10 – home vs. San Vicente
2/17 – away at San Vicente
3/2 – away at Steele Canyon
3/29 – away at Coronado (evil empire)
We finished 3-3 in 3rd place with La Costa with Coronado winning the group. (Many Torrey players on the Coronado team)
Jason Howard | Tony Matera | Josh Packard | Steve Chang | Marc Couillard |
Nate Hockstra | Jim Tasto | Lamb Lee | Mike Massery | Duane Admire |
Michael Zucchet | Isaiah Ireys | Wayne Brubaker | Brian Hickey | William Ater |
Tommy Lutton | Jeff Thomas | Sean Tucker | Tom Wyckoff | Barry Wellins |
Andrew Kitchen | Ken Kubis |
SENIOR TEAM ROSTER: (Team is currently in 5th place)
Ater, Willian | Doan, Eric | Donnelly, Johnnie | Elliott, Rick | Field, Jesse |
Gray, William | Gross, Stuart | Inzunza, Jesus | Katona, Gery | Kodis, Marc |
Lackritz, Jim | Locke, Steve | Massery, Mike | Matson, David | Morris, Jeff |
Mosten, Forrest | Ogle, Jamie | Park, Chris | Pelayo, Jorge | Prosi, Larry |
Rau, Raghu | Shushan, Stephen | Silke, Mark | Terrell, Charles | Tindaro, Jim |
Varney, Bruce | White, Scott |