1. Go upstairs to SD Offices across from old starters booth. Sign in & P/U walkie talkie and cart key, introduce yourself to the starter.
  2. Locate orange boxes to secure CTP markers for the last 2 par 3’s. Deliver to those holes and place on greens. (sometimes boxes are in the starters booth).
  3. Tournament Chairman usually will have the CTP ready to go when you arrive on the course.
  4. On your shift usually you will pick up the CTP’s for first 3 holes and the final group will get the last one.
  5. Be sure and speak with final grp to confirm they will P/U and send photos to Tournament Chair and Jim Hartigan.
  6. Return walkie talkie, cart, and text/email of CTP markers.


  • The Players Assistant Chair / Tournament Chair will contact you before the event to give you specific instructions if needed, send you the TP suggested Turn Times (Raguzzi Chart)for Pace of Play recording, and to coordinate the marshals shifts, carts, etc.
  • Matty Reyes, Torrey Pines Golf Course Manager, may meet with marshals to provide instructions for obtaining a cart, walkie talkie, and how to deal with public play. You may contact Matty or TP starter to report any problems with public play and ask for their help.
  • Check with the Players Assistant Chair/if he wants you to place the proximity markers on the par 3 holes for the back 9. If so, he will tell you where to find the proximity markers. You should pick up markers 
  • and forward via text to Tournament Chair on completion of your shift.
  • Monitor play (see general guidelines).
  • Email Jim Hartigan and Tournament Chair  a report of your Marshalling Shift and overall experience.


  • The Players Assistant Chair  will contact you before the event to give you specific instructions, send you the TP suggested Turn Times (Raguzzi Chart)for Pace of Play recording and to coordinate the marshals shifts, carts, etc.
  • Monitor play (see general guidelines).
  • Coordinate with the Players Assistant Chair/tournament chairman about picking up the proximity markers on the front 9. If the 2nd shift marshal is at the course at the end of the tournament, he will also pick up the back 9 proximity markers. Sometimes the last group picks them up. Take a picture of each proximity card and send via text to the Tournament Chairman and Jim Hartigan. Make sure there is clear understanding about the proximity markers and documenting the winners.
  • Email Jim Hartigan and Tournament Chair a report of your Marshalling Shift and overall experience.


  • Matty Reyes, Torrey Pines Golf Course Manager, may meet with marshals to provide instructions how to deal with the public play.
  • Contact Info: