
Priority to play based on the following:

  • Players signed up for the Jan 07/14 tournament that were on the Dec 03/10, 2023 or Jan 07, 2024 playing roster will receive a low priority.
  • Players that didn’t play in the Dec 03/10 tournament or were on the wait list will receive a high priority.
  • Players that No Showed for the Dec 03/10 tournament will receive the lowest priority.

This is an Individual Tournament

  • Stableford (Modified) Net score and points
  • Double bogey or worse   -2
  • Bogey                                  0
  • Par                                       1
  • Birdie                                  3
  • Eagle                                   6
  • Albatross                            9

The club reserves the right to split up foursomes at its discretion.
