Covid Policy Reminder July 2023
To All Members, with the recent rise in Covid occurrences, we continue to experience members having to cancel out of tournaments. The following is a reminder of our Club’s Covid Policy.
• If you have signed up for a tournament and need to cancel after the late cancelation period, or you will be a no show, you must submit a positive test (home test ok) to Larry Prosi and the respective Tournament Coordinator.
• You must then wait a minimum of 5 days and then submit a negative test, in order to again be eligible to play in any TP tournament.
• Please note even if you have Covid, there are no waivers to the “late cancel or no show” Penalty Policy (See Penalty Policy on the website).
Obviously this policy is for the protection of all our members and we appreciate your volunteer cooperation in notifying us immediately. If you have questions please contact Larry Prosi…