USGA and local rules apply to all tournaments unless otherwise noted.
This is a 2-player team event
Scores will be kept for each 2-person team
Handicap: 60% of lowest player index plus 40% of highest player index.
Both team members tee off on every hole
Each plays the partner’s ball for the second shot. After the second shot, the partners select the ball with which they wish to score and play that ball alternately to complete the hole. After the tee shot, no player should ever hit two consecutive shots.
The team is penalized 2 strokes if a player hits out of turn with the third shot and subsequent shots. The order of play is not changed if a player incurs a penalty. Play must return to the proper order which means the person who hit out of order also plays the next shot
Record the team’s GROSS score for each hole.
The net score is determined by subtracting the team’s allowed handicap from the total gross score.